Winter Starts

Winter started this morning,
It did…really!
I felt it in the cold, crisp air
As I stepped outside.

Yesterday was still a little balmy,
Today, the chill started,
Ah, well,
Only five…or six…months to go…!

I always thought it would be hot
Here in Africa,
Strange to be so cold
When the sun shines
So brightly, so clear.

A cruel nature trick?
A message from the Gods?
Or just the turn of seasons
In their natural order,
Gaia shifting as she does.

Doesn’t stop it being cold!


© Copyright Poem and Photo 2015 Robin McShane
As per this blog’s copyright statement
Thank you

Snow To…


I watched the snow fall
Flake by flake,
A silent blanket as heaven weeped,
A smooth, frozen lake of tears,
Pure, white, deafening in the
Silence of its fall,
Numbing the senses with the
Covering that formed.

I watched the snow turn,
Some days later,
To the slush of a once remembered recent past,
Water mixed with mud and dirt,
Blended by the churning of feet and wheels and paws,
Iced again by the freezing cold.

I watched as the pure silence turned
To mashed filth,
As the pristine blanket was torn apart,
As it melded with the land,
Dissipated in the dark.

I watched silent and helpless,
The annual process of joy and wonderment
From snow, to slush and ice to … gone.


© September 2009 – Robin McShane
All rights reserved as per this blogs copyright statement