My World Breaks…Again!

This may explain my longer than planned absence! 🙂


I awoke dulled and slow,
With the pressure of Saul,
You may be familiar
With the three o’clock call?

Climbing upright,
Dizzy, all blurred,
A nausea wave,
Crashed through my world.

I stumbled to get
To the place we all know,
When the body just threatens
To ‘let go, now, let go’.

A friend brushed my arm,
Supporting my lunge,
My strong, faithful wall
Averted a plunge.

I got to the place
We leave our temporary mark,
Sat down, held the bin,
When all faded to dark.

“Try to get up,”
I heard a voice say,
“You’re wet and you’re cold,
Come on, come away.”

I wasn’t quite sure
Just where I was at,
But movement, a no-no,
She had to see that.

I tried hard to explain,
All she heard was a groan,
I tried to say more,
It came out like a moan.

“Please try to get up,”
She ruffled my leg,
“I’ll go get some ice
To put on that egg.”

I slowly came to,
Pushed myself to a crawl,
She helped me to bed,
Wrapped ice to a ball.

Ah, life with MS,
A challenge a day,
I’m so grateful that someone
Can love me this way.

And as the day starts,
We discuss the event,
The need for a Doctor,
How it all went.

Pupils are equal,
Reacting to light,
Let’s rest, give it time,
I’m sure I’m alright!

And so I am,
After a few days of rest,
Just an appointment tomorrow,
With the Neuro for tests.


© Copyright 2016 Robin McShane