My World Breaks…Again!

This may explain my longer than planned absence! 🙂


I awoke dulled and slow,
With the pressure of Saul,
You may be familiar
With the three o’clock call?

Climbing upright,
Dizzy, all blurred,
A nausea wave,
Crashed through my world.

I stumbled to get
To the place we all know,
When the body just threatens
To ‘let go, now, let go’.

A friend brushed my arm,
Supporting my lunge,
My strong, faithful wall
Averted a plunge.

I got to the place
We leave our temporary mark,
Sat down, held the bin,
When all faded to dark.

“Try to get up,”
I heard a voice say,
“You’re wet and you’re cold,
Come on, come away.”

I wasn’t quite sure
Just where I was at,
But movement, a no-no,
She had to see that.

I tried hard to explain,
All she heard was a groan,
I tried to say more,
It came out like a moan.

“Please try to get up,”
She ruffled my leg,
“I’ll go get some ice
To put on that egg.”

I slowly came to,
Pushed myself to a crawl,
She helped me to bed,
Wrapped ice to a ball.

Ah, life with MS,
A challenge a day,
I’m so grateful that someone
Can love me this way.

And as the day starts,
We discuss the event,
The need for a Doctor,
How it all went.

Pupils are equal,
Reacting to light,
Let’s rest, give it time,
I’m sure I’m alright!

And so I am,
After a few days of rest,
Just an appointment tomorrow,
With the Neuro for tests.


© Copyright 2016 Robin McShane

11 comments on “My World Breaks…Again!

  1. Probably all of us who read this would echo DD’s sentiments. Fighting alone is the cruelest of tasks. Having love, and someone who loves you, makes all the difference as your fight continues. Best wishes!


  2. So very well written, eloquent, and elegant, too, Rob. I know that three o’clock call, and do dread the possibilities, as one whose mobility is compromised and might feel faint or disoriented when jolted out of sleep. It’s so good that someone is with you to help. I hope all will be well.

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