Brain’s All A-Fog – Poetry 201 – Day 5

Quick repartee, not my style anymore,
Mine’s disappeared, less thought, lost it’s core,
In days now gone by I could joust with the best,
Charge against those who would challenge the quest,
Gallop along upon strong steeds of words,
Harness the power of nouns, subjects, verbs,
Push hard on the lance of bright, new ideas,
Piercing through armour of hatred and fears,
Parry and thrust with thoughts and illusion,
Pairing companions with hard fought for fusion,
Adjectives tripping off waterfall tongue,
Cascading to whirlpool of banter and fun.

But now my brain’s foggy, lies dank, dark and cold,
Slowed by these lesions, some new and some old,
Blocking the impulses, stopping their run,
Conduction now frozen, icing the pun,
Nerves lying exposed, fragile and broken,
Crushed, severed lines where words can’t be spoken.

Saliva slow meanings now drool from my lips,
This well worn out fool left begging for tips,
Or an ancient Great Dane, run ragged, used up,
Whose only enjoyment is slurping from cup,
Together we mourn the loss of our way,
As one we adapt to a much slower day,
Relating the new to the way that we were,
The old me has left now, Goodbye and Adieu!


© Copyright 2015 Robin McShane
Rights reserved as per this blogs copyright statement

Day 5 – Prompt: Fog; Form: Elegy; Device: Metaphor

This was a challenge as I wrote a poem, then realised it needed to be elegiac couplets! Was a challenge to then edit it to that form! Phew! Think I strained my foggy brain! 🙂

So chuffed – started the day with a ‘Like’ from Ben for yesterday! YAY!! Thanks Ben – means a huge amount to me copmong from you – made my day!! 🙂

11 comments on “Brain’s All A-Fog – Poetry 201 – Day 5

  1. Hi!:)
    its hauntingly beautiful….i hv read 2-3 times by nw…
    i wud hv read a few more tyms if i didnt hv a poem to finish. Frankly speaking, i was strugglin with it… Your poem has cleared the fog in my head;)…


  2. “But now my brain’s foggy, lies dank, dark and cold,
    Slowed by these lesions, some new and some old,” – you write about it with such grace Rob. I really loved this poem. You have a wonderful talent to make rhyme look effortless and loss look manageable. My very best to you and thank you for sharing! 🙂


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