Autumn’s Relief

Autumn's Relief - March 14 2016

There is a chill in the air today,
Drooping the heat that melted to the core,
Giving breath to bounty wilted by sun’s rays,
Offering hope of one crop before winter sets.

All thrive on this change, the cooler air,
The cloud banked sky of white, grey, soaking black,
Offering the promise of life to scorched land,
Carrying tears of bliss before the cold invades.

Lithesome trees will soon shed drop by drop,
Dancing now on nature’s withering stage,
Swaying, swirling, voluptuously stripping,
With season’s change plummeting nature’s ancient path.

8 comments on “Autumn’s Relief

  1. Though I suspect your autumn isn’t quite like mine, still I have a sense from these lovely lines that it is refreshing, even as it brings fruitfulness to a temporary end. I think you have captured the bittersweetness of it very well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I also suspect our autumns are different – usually only lasting a few weeks here. This year a blessed relief from the scorching heat and drought we experienced, which will affect food supply. We shall see when winter bites! 😊
      Thanks so much for visiting and for your kind comment.

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