Social Media – NaPoWriMo 2015 – Day 17 (to prompt?)

Meditations tweet their way across the Universe,
As friends book face-less meets and greets,
Like daily lives, happenings, events,
Post messages, release emotions, vent.

‘Tis surely not the way to build relations strong,
One side may not be real, an Illusion, short or long,
Yet something drives so many to be linked-

In space now called their own, and plus or minus click.
I don’t really get it, this drive, this interest (with capital P)
There must be something in it, instant weight maybe?

Accepting, as we do, the world is changing fast,
I now have friends in Perth, Wyoming and Belfast!
So, really it’s not that bad, the world now shares my verse,
As I learn to live with whether that is better or much worse!


The prompt today:”to write a “social media”-style poem”. At first I thought to write ‘off-prompt’ then this arrived! Well, it may actually still be off-prompt! 🙂 Hope you enjoy…


© Copyright 2015 Robin McShane
As per this blog’s copyright statement
Thank you

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